Being unemployed at anytime of the year can be difficult but it can be particularly hard during the holidays.
Here are 5 ways of coping with unemployment during the holidays:
- Put your job search on hold during the holidays. Hiring normally slows downs during December so it’s a good reason to give it a rest. Take a break and just enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Hiring managers are usually on vacation this month anyway so sending your resume while they are on vacation isn’t ideal. Your resume might get buried in a stack of resumes or emails and get overlooked. Start your job search again in the new year.
- Take a look at your resume. Take this time and really look over your resume. Make sure that it looks the best that it can look. Remember that one cover letter does not fit all. You need to adjust each cover letter to focus on each job description. You should be able to easily make changes to your resume or you should have a few versions of your resume depending on what type of job you are looking for. Take this holiday time and invest in yourself and update your resume.
- Don’t spend money that you don’t have. A lot of people feel pressure to buy everyone the best gift ever. The truth is that the world will not end if your sister doesn’t get that cashmere sweater or your brother doesn’t get an ipad. You will feel terrible spending money that you don’t have especially if you didn’t have to. Check out these 53 inexpensive gift ideas. My favourite inexpensive gift idea is giving someone a resume critique 🙂
- Think of your future. Take this time and really think about the new year and what you want to achieve. Do you want to change careers? Do you want to go back to school and finish or get that degree? The holidays can be a stressful time and the best way to help you think clearly about your goals and combat stress is to exercise. Don’t wait for the new year to start working out at home or joining a gym. Start exercising and feeling better now! It’s amazing how running on a treadmill or holding a yoga move can unlock ideas that can kick start your life.
- Get back in touch with friends. Increasing your social circle will help you get a job. Get back on LinkedIn and Facebook and start reconnecting with old friends and colleagues. These are the people that can help you find your next job. Let them know what you’ve been up to and what you really want to do. It’s amazing how someone will know someone who could help you realize your dream.
At the End of the Day
Dealing with the pressure of the holidays and being unemployed can be extremely stressful but it doesn’t have to be. You can still enjoy the holidays without going over budget. Make this holiday season really about family and not presents. Start to look forward to the new year and what it can bring.
Stay positive and Happy Holidays!
Photo by: John-Morgan