Tag Archives: Ask Dorothy
Ask Dorothy: Only Time Will Tell
Ask Dorothy Welcome to another section of Ask Dorothy, where I post a comment or answer to questions that I have received from Twitter: @dorothyjs, my contact me page or through the comment sections of…
Ask Dorothy: Referring A Friend For A Job
The Referrer When you decide to recommend a friend for a job you need to think of a few things first: What if your friend gets hired but doesn’t work out? All of a sudden…
Ask Dorothy: How Recruiters Keep You Interested
Welcome to another section of Ask Dorothy, where I post a comment or answer to questions that I have received from Twitter: @dorothyjs, my contact me page or through the comment sections of my posts.…
Ask Dorothy: The Fake Interview
I continue to receive great and positive feedback from all you folks so THANK YOU and I’m giving you all a big virtual hug. Can you feel it? Nice right?! Ok that’s enough, I don’t…